Home Swimming & Aquatics Preschool Swim

Preschool Swim

Octopus Preschool 1

Preschool 1 is a transitional level which transfers the preschooler to the care of the instructor. Preschoolers will have fun learning to get in and out of the water. They’ll learn how to put their face in the water, blow bubbles in the water, and how to float and glide.

Crab Preschool 2

Preschool 2 teaches preschoolers how to safely jump into chest-deep water and how to swim wearing a PFD. They’ll learn submersion skills and continue to work on floats, glides, and kicking with buoyant objects.

Orca Preschool 3

Preschool 3 teaches preschoolers how to enter deep water safely wearing a PFD. They’ll learn how to submerge and exhale underwater, retrieve objects underwater, and will continue developing their floating, gliding and kicking skills.

Sea Lion Preschool 4

Preschool 4 teaches deep-water entries and treading water wearing a PFD. Preschoolers will become skilled at retrieving objects from the bottom of the pool in chest-deep water and performing front and side glide. Front crawl wearing a PFD is also introduced.

Narwhal Preschool 5

Preschool 5 teaches Swim to Survive® skills wearing a PFD. Front crawl and back crawl are introduced as well as interval fitness training. Preschoolers will also learn how to tread water and perform vertical whip kick with a buoyant aid. Once complete, preschoolers can register into Swimmer 2.